Figgerits Level 238 [Answers ]

This is the list of the answers to all the listed clues in Figgerits Level 238. The game is fun to play but has some hard clues to solve, so we are providing this cheat sheet in order to help you in your progress.

Figgerits Level 238 Answers :

           All Levels Answers           

This is the list of the answers to all the listed clues in Figgerits Level 238. The game is fun to play but has some hard clues to solve, so we are providing this cheat sheet in order to help you in your progress.

When pigs fly:

Dilapidated buildings:

Cost of borrowing:

Vermeer’s Girl had an __:

Ditch for soldiers:

To soak thoroughly:

__ candy, __ shirt:

(plural) Urban development:

__, ladies and gentlemen!:

(syn.) To amaze, astound:

Appealing only to a small group of people:

Idle small talk:

To get a goal:

Someone who rejects a doctrine:

Titanic or Queen Mary:

Money, or lack __, is not an issue:

That was the complete list of the puzzles in this level, to get the next list, please visit this topic: Figgerits Level 239
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