Figgerits Level 288 [Answers ]

This is the list of the answers to all the listed clues in Figgerits Level 288. The game is fun to play but has some hard clues to solve, so we are providing this cheat sheet in order to help you in your progress.

Figgerits Level 288 Answers :

           All Levels Answers           

This is the list of the answers to all the listed clues in Figgerits Level 288. The game is fun to play but has some hard clues to solve, so we are providing this cheat sheet in order to help you in your progress.

(plural) Storage of old artifacts:

(syn.) Absent-minded, scatterbrained:

Who was Sherlock Holmes?:

The __ of the Sun is very hot:

To apply an opposite force:

You must wear the __ in the kitchen at all times:

Distinguishing indicator:

I __ the day I accepted his offer:

To cut irregularly:

Please __ me at 7 AM sharp:

Ingenious trickery:

Instrument for fishing:

I’m __ with my job and my salary:

(syn.) Method, manner, way:

That was the complete list of the puzzles in this level, to get the next list, please visit this topic: Figgerits Level 289
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