Figgerits Level 537 [Answers ]

This is the list of the answers to all the listed clues in Figgerits Level 537. The game is fun to play but has some hard clues to solve, so we are providing this cheat sheet in order to help you in your progress.

Figgerits Level 537 Answers :

           All Levels Answers           

This is the list of the answers to all the listed clues in Figgerits Level 537. The game is fun to play but has some hard clues to solve, so we are providing this cheat sheet in order to help you in your progress.

A door or a gate swings on it:

A type of duck:

You do it with the furniture to make it shiny:

He chose a superhero as his ___ for this computer game:

A reward:

Abundant or luxurious:

They’ve detected a gas ___ in my apartment:

A kind of speaker producing high pitch sounds:

Something you get without charge:

An old lady was walking ___ down the street:

A combination of an eagle and a lion:

It is used to support a floating bridge:

A synonym for “immediately”:

You use them to make sounds louder:

The disease turned out to be extremely ___:

Moving quickly from side to side:

A kind of fish with a poisonous spine:

You have it in the morning:

That was the complete list of the puzzles in this level, to get the next list, please visit this topic: Figgerits Level 538
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